Cariema Isaacs

Apr 222 min

Finding Grounding In Bali - A Journey Of Cape Malay Heritage

Updated: May 7

“When you speak to anyone here and you mention that you had an epiphany about your life, your career, your love, they nod and say: ‘Yeah, that’s Bali for you’,” Cariema Isaacs says as she discovers why Bali is so magical. Read on as she shares her journey of self-discovery in diary form.

You know you’re leaving a place when the airline sends you a reminder to check-in!

I leave Bali tomorrow and I am spending my last few moments soaking it all in. “When it comes to the earth, Ley Lines are lines of energy that coil around the Earth in a similar fashion as a strand of DNA. Ley Lines are believed to carry high-vibrational energetic information around the Earth. The places where the Ley Lines intersect are believed to be high points of energy and hold a high concentration of electrical charge.” Bali is one of those places, which is why so many people feel drawn to its vibration.

It’s also why so many people find their grounding here. When you speak to anyone here and you mention that you had an epiphany about your life, your career, your love, they nod and say: “Yeah, that’s Bali for you”.

I ventured on a journey of culinary heritage which started in Singapore, then Malaysia. Bali was supposed to be a break with a girlfriend to recharge before I headed to Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia.

Instead, I felt a reawakening of my senses here and my mind and body, eased out of the exhaustion I had been feeling for a while. Refreshed and with new purpose, I head to the next stop.

Jakarta, previously known as Batavia awaits. I have three days where I am surrendering to my rite of passage. I had three activities lined up, one of them seems to be hanging in the balance. To my dismay, it’s the cooking class I was meant to attend. Let’s see how it all unfolds.

For now, let’s bask in the sun of Bali and enjoy every moment. As I pack this evening and make my way to the airport tomorrow, I’ll think of all you.

Thank you for holding space for me. Thank you for seeing me. Thank you for being out there and allowing my words, my stories and my truth to engulf you.

I am the sum of all of my parts. I love you all immensely.

Read more about my journey to self-discovery next week.
