
Jul 24, 20232 min

Kumquat Preserve With Ginger And Chilli

Cook a batch of kumquat with Ginger and chili preserves and fill your kitchen with citrus aromas.

It was still dark outside when I got up this morning to prepare and cook a batch of one of my favourite preserves - kumquat with ginger and chili. The kitchen smells divine – I am absolutely crazy about citrus flavours.

Kumquat Preserve With Ginger And Chilli

Surita Riffel


  • 1 kg kumquats, washed

  • 1 kg (4 cups) sugar

  • 3-4 cups (750 ml – 1L) water

  • a thumb-sized piece of fresh ginger

  • 3 hot chillies, seeds removed

  • 60 ml (¼ cup) white vinegar

  • juice of 1 lemon


1. Cut the kumquats in halves lengthwise. You can cut yours in any way you prefer. I prefer cutting them this way as it’s for a preserve and not a marmalade, and bigger pieces looks beautiful on platters and charcuterie boards

2. Place the sliced kumquats in salty water for about an hour. Remove all the visible pips and rinse thoroughly. Put aside.

3. For the syrup: Heat the sugar and water first on low heat and stir until sugar is completely dissolved.

4. Add the ginger, chilli and vinegar and bring to a simmer or a slow boil until the consistency changes and becomes slightly thicker. Be careful not to overcook or use high heat, as this will change the colour of the syrup.

5. Add the fruit and let it cook until soft and shiny. Add the lemon juice during last 10 minutes of cooking time.

6. Take off heat and put in sterilised jars.

Read more: how to sterilise jars.


Don’t worry about if the syrup is not as thick as other preserves. Kumquats are interesting fruit. Similar to Cape Gooseberries, they have a high pectin content so the sauce will thicken naturally.
