Fayruza Abrahams

Apr 222 min

Thursday Evening Gadat

Fayruza Abrahams writes about the Thursday evening gadat, a ritual that is still being practiced today, especially in the Bo-Kaap community in Cape Town.

Donut holes are my favourite snack to contribute for Thursday evenings gadat.

Thursday evenings, in the Bo-Kaap area in particular, family and friends gather to pay homage to our Prophet (PBUH) and also to celebrate a birthday, honour the deceased, a roof wetting, or precede an important event like a doopmaal (name-giving of a newborn). Even before a nikah (wedding ceremony), and it is also common after a family member has passed to commemorate the 7th, 40th and 100th day after the janazah (funeral).

This gathering usually happens between maghreb and eshaa prayers at dusk. The power of collective prayers is absolutely significant and can move mountains... Melodius and almost melancholic voices can be heard echoing in the neighborhood and no invitation is needed, anyone can attend.

As a child we got so excited as soon as we heard one of our neighbours were having a gadat! (Even our non-Muslim friends would join in.) We were excited not only to see our friends and families, but for the barakatte (little gift parcel of treats and blessings). Besides enjoying treats at the event, both savouries and sweets, we all got to walk away with our barakatte (almost like doggy bags!).

Those days we would receive two brown paper packets each; one for our fruit barakat, and another for sweet treats and cakes. Today, barakatte are served in little cake boxes or disposable containers, which are nice, but nothing beats that smell of cakes and crumbs in my school bag the next morning. Mine always made its way to school with me the following day to share with friends.

Some of the things we would enjoy on the evening would be samoosas, daltjies, savoury pies, boeber , vermicelli, snowballs, cupcakes, spring rolls, bollas, koesisters - alles!

Each household attending would contribute something deliciously prepared by the moms during the day. We always went home with way more than we brought!

These little donut holes (pictured) is my favourite snack to contribute. I usually make enough to feed a small army. Dusted in cinnamon sugar these are definitely moreish.
