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Quaranqueen Yourself With These Home Beauty Treatments

Liesl Frankson

Updated: Nov 16, 2021

Take care under quarantine with a rejuvenating pamper session in the comfort of your home, compliments of the caring therapists at Steenberg Spa.

By using only a handful of ingredients from your kitchen, you can follow these simple recipes and instructions for a full body treatment that will leave you feeling refreshed and revived. List of ingredients included further down.

Two-step mini facial

Cleanse the skin as per usual and proceed to exfoliate with an easy oats and honey mix to remove the dead skin cells. Oats are considered natural cleansers, rich in antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties, they work well as an exfoliator while unclogging the pores too. Honey is naturally antibacterial and aids in clarifying, healing, soothing and moisturising the skin.

Soak the oats in water with a little bit of honey and then, using the fingertips, apply it to the face in circular motions for two to three minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water.

Alternatively, you may swop your oats for lemon juice, a natural fruit acid exfoliant packed with Vitamin C. Ideal for oily or combination skins, it exfoliates and will assist in brightening any dark spots and blemishes, leaving the skin with a healthy glow.

Apply the lemon juice onto the skin with a make-up brush and leave it on for two to three minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water. As it is an acid, proceed with caution by performing a skin test first.

Complete your facial with a nourishing and moisturising avocado mask. Loaded with antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin E, this seasonal fruit serves as a super moisturiser suitable even for more extreme skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, relieving inflammation and healing the skin.

Mash a whole or half ripe avocado, apply it to the skin and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water.

Tighten pores

Egg white protein is well known for its anti-ageing properties and will tone and tighten your pores. Using only one egg, separate the white from the yolk and apply it to the skin for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water.

Body scrub

Remove dead skin cells with a mix of brown sugar and olive oil. The sugar granules aid in creating a smoother and more radiant appearance on the skin. The vitamin rich olive oil is a well known natural moisturiser with many more health benefits. For added pampering and an invigorating scent, include some fresh lemongrass or a drop or two of lemongrass oil. Other herbs from your garden such as mint can help to refresh the skin.

Exfoliate and moisturise the whole body with this quick and easy sugar scrub that has been used as a beauty aid since antiquity. Rinse and moisturise with your favourite body lotion.

Hand care

Be sure to take extra care of your hands under quarantine to combat the dehydrating effects of frequent washing and sanitising. Simply rub one teaspoon of coconut oil onto your hands and cuticles and then place a glove or sock over each of them for at least five minutes, allowing the oil to penetrate deep into the skin. Do not rinse, rather wipe off the excess oil with a towel and continue to rub the oil into the hands till it is absorbed.

No spa day is truly complete without indulging in a little something extra while you are being pampered. So don’t forget to add a glass of your favourite bubbly or fruity iced tea as you work your way through your treatments.

Always remember to test for sensitivity on a patch of skin before going ahead with the treatment. If you experience an allergic reaction, seek medical attention immediately.


Two step mini facial

Step one: Exfoliator

· 2 tablespoons oats

· 2 tablespoons honey

Step two: Moisturising Mask

· ½ large avo

Tighten pores

· 1 egg white

Body scrub

· 1 cup brown sugar

· ½ cup olive oil

Hand care

· 1 teaspoon of coconut oil



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