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How To Slay School Hair

Liesl Frankson

Updated: Nov 12, 2021

If you’re raising a little curly haired princess, you know better than anyone that hair time isn’t always happy time. In addition to finding the right products to make styling easier, ingredients are also top of mind for many natural moms.

The reality is that not all hair products are created equally and if you care about what you are putting on your little one’s head, you no doubt want something that uses only the purest natural ingredients to deliver and seal in moisture and aid the styling process.

With the right products and the right technique, you can easily slay school hair and take the tears out of styling your little one’s lovely locks once and for all.

For more information check out The Perfect Hair’s comprehensive Hair Bible

What makes hair more manageable? Hair that is properly cared for, of course. South African natural hair influencer and hair coach, Raquel (from the Curl Factory), shares a top tip for great hair using the Grow on the Go range from The Perfect Hair.



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