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Own Your Success

Updated: Nov 4, 2021

This Women’s Month, financial services provider Momentum has launched its third iteration of the annual Momentum #SheOwnsHerSuccess campaign. This year’s theme seeks to encourage women to persist on their journey towards financial success, by overcoming the barriers that hold them back from realising their potential.

Following the launch of the first #SheOwnsHerSuccess campaign in 2019, which inspired women to be unapologetic about their success, the theme in 2020 sought to inspire women to identify and breakthrough barriers, while encouraging them to take others with them.

This year, Momentum aims to celebrate the strides and achievements that women continue to make despite existing socioeconomic, psychological, and cultural barriers. It seeks to empower women to rise above the ‘no’s’ and burst through the ‘no not yous’ - with practical tools that empower and remind them that their success is indeed unstoppable.

Despite the enormous headways that women have made in the workplace, gender disparities persist. More than one-third of South African households are headed by women and these are approximately 40% poorer than those headed by men, with women earning up to 30% less than their male counterparts. These are fundamental gaps that we need to address through every aspect of society, including the financial sector, and with the support of men.

The Momentum #SheOwnsHerSuccess campaign kicks off on 1 August and runs throughout the month of August, promising an exciting lineup of workshop and panel discussions geared toward equipping women with relevant skills.

These skills include engaging in personal branding exercises, learning how to negotiate the pay that you are worth, overcoming imposter syndrome in the workplace, leaning on support structures to manage burnout, and partnering and managing money to leave the financial legacy that your loved ones deserve.

“The challenges faced by women are not unique to South Africa. This may be disheartening, but everyday women are choosing to partner with individuals, networks, and movements to empower them to make previously unimaginable strides on the quest to defining their career and personal success stories,” says Head of Momentum Brand Marketing, Charlotte Nsubuga-Mukasa.

The 360-degree campaign will include a virtual workshop series with Success speaker, New York Times best-selling author, podcast host, and professional trouble maker, Luvvie Ajayi - Jones. Each workshop is tailored differently throughout the month of August and will aim to provide women with practical tools, advice, and solutions to help get them onto the next step on their journey to success.

Momentum also seeks to further this campaign beyond Women’s Month because a women’s momentum doesn’t end after August. The journey is just the beginning. The company wishes to encourage women to keep their success in motion by sharpening their focus and refining business skills and passions all year round with the #SheOwnsHerSuccess online hub for advice, tools, and continuous updates to keep women’s success unstoppable.

As always, the month will end in a glamorous affair, The Momentum GSPORT awards to celebrate the extraordinary achievements of women athletes, supporting coaches, and sports media who continue to fly the South African flag high with no apology.



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